Vick Quah Swee Leang
Posted onHari Sempurna di George Town:
Mendung, Nasi Ayam, O Peng
Hari Sempurna di George Town:
Mendung, Nasi Ayam, O Peng
Hari Sempurna di George Town:
Cuaca Yang Sejuk, Berangin, Bebas Drama
Hari Sempurna di George Town:
Permandangan Matahari Terbenam
Hari Sempurna di George Town:
Kopi, Kucing, Kebebasan
The GTWHI office premises will be closed throughout the Movement Control Order (MCO) 2.0 from 13 January 2021 onwards.
George Town World Heritage Incorporated has introduced Living Heritage Recognition and Appreciation Programme 2019 to give recognition to long-standing establishments of skilled trades and crafts in the George Town UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The GTWHI office premises will be closed throughout the Movement Control Order (MCO) 2.0 from 13 January 2021 onwards.
Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery has recently published “Resilient Cultural Heritage: Learning from the Japanese Experience”. This publication records and reflects good practices and lessons learned from Japan to support international practitioners in the fields of disaster risk management, cultural heritage, and public policy, who are seeking to enhance the disaster resilience of cultural heritage and communities in their countries.
George Town World Heritage Incorporated is using PGCare (Penang Contact Tracer) for visitor contact tracing. We have developed this step-by-step guide as reference for businesses and users to register for this free digital log book.
GTWHI will resume physical operation from 13 May 2020.