18 May 2020
Trilingual Step-by-Step Guides for PGCare
Download the Registration Guide (PDF, 133KB)
Download the Guide for Users (PDF, 191KB)
George Town World Heritage Incorporated is using PGCare (Penang Contact Tracer) for visitor contact tracing. We have developed this step-by-step guide as reference for businesses and users to register for this free digital log book.
George Town World Heritage Incorporated menggunakan PGCare bagi pengesanan kontak pelawat. Kami telah menyediakan panduan ini untuk membantu pihak yang berkenaan mendaftar dan menggunakan buku catatan digital harian yang percuma ini.
For more details on PGCare, please visit https://www.pgcare.my/faq or email help@pgcare.my.
Please share this post to urge businesses and people in Penang to use this contact tracing system and help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Let’s stay safe together.